Seeking God's Direction Campaign [old]

Find the latest updates on our building campaign.

Seeking God’s Direction Capital Campaign

We want to hear from you!

Use the button below to fill out a short feedback survey by September 13th

Seeking God's Direction Update from

We are incredibly excited to be launching our Seeking God’s Direction Capital campaign.

Our target was to complete the campaign, culminating in a Pledge Sunday celebration, on April 5th. After much prayer and deliberation, as well as input from some of you, the Elders have decided to delay the campaign completion and celebration date until at least Thanksgiving Sunday (Oct.11,2020).

During the course of the campaign, we will corporately be focusing on what God’s word has to say to us about giving, stewardship and seeking His will for each of us. We as elders hope to meet with each of you individually to discuss the building plan and answer any questions you may have.

Most importantly during this time, we hope you will commit to prayerfully seeking God’s will for you and what He wants you to contribute to the building project. You will be asked to fill in a Pledge form. You can return your pledge card to the church either prior to or during our Pledge Sunday, October 10th at which time the total Pledges will be tallied.

Introducing the Campaign: Mike Fromow and Warren Lippitt

Capital Campaign Downloads