
Partner with us as we partner in the mission of Jesus.

Giving Cheerfully and Sacrificially of our Finances is Part of our Worship

The stewardship of our finances is a tremendous – and often overlooked – area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the Gospel. Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. We trust in Him and His provision instead of our perceived self-sufficiency. As people of faith, we give faithfully and generously.

If you believe in what we're doing at Trinity and want to invest in our work, here's how to do that!

How we give

You can invest in the work we're engaged with at Trinity Bible Church in a few different ways. Because we consider giving an act of love, we incorporate our giving into our worship service.

  1. You can mail a cheque to 105 Harvie Heights Road, Canmore, AB T1W 3E8.
  2. You can also set up an automatic bank withdrawal. Click the button below to download our Pre-Authorized Debit form. Return the completed form to the office and we'll get you set up. These withdrawals are made on the 15th of every month. If you have any questions, please contact the office directly at and we would be more than happy to help you out.
  3. You can also give online at anytime through our website! This is a convenient way to give to our work, and you can even setup scheduled gifts to repeat whenever you'd like.